Updates a datasource (connected application) in a customer account.
Note: it's not possible to change the connector_guid (e.g. "Salesforce") of an existing datasource.

Fields in response:

  • link: the URL to which the user should be redirected to authorize access to the datasource (e.g. Salesforce or Hubspot) for connectors that use oAuth. This link is valid for 30 minutes.
  • is_used: true if the datasource is used in a Blend. Note: a datasource can be loosely coupled, this means it is is used in a Blend but not specifically set under the "datasource" settings of the blocks in a Blend. In this case is_used will be false.
  • is_connected: false if the datasource is not connected, e.g. after a failed oAuth flow.
  • blends: The Blends using this datasource (hard linked, not soft-linked)
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